
How to Stay Healthy, Happy and Sane This Holiday Season.

Dec 04, 2022
How to Stay Healthy, Happy and Sane This Holiday Season.

How to Stay Healthy, Happy and Sane This Holiday Season.

The CDC’s 12 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday Season as explained by Broadway Family Practice:

  1. Wash your hands! The holiday season coincides with cold and flu season which means that holiday gatherings and events often lead to the whole family catching Uncle Johnny’s nasty cold. Reach for a squirt of hand-sani before reaching for that bacon-wrapped-date… your NYE plans will thank you.

  2. Bundle up to stay warm. What better way to convince your husband that you need new outerwear and accessories than by pointing to the CDC recommendations to do so?

  3. Manage stress (by managing your expectations!) The holidays can be a stressful time of year with family dynamics and short fuses. Before attending a family event where you know there will be some drama, spend a few minutes connecting with your partner to ensure that you both have the same expectations of when you plan on showing up, what topics are fair-game for discussion, and most importantly… what is your exit strategy. Make your spouse your ally, not your opponent.

  4. Don’t drink and drive. If you have somehow lived this long in Modern America and don’t yet have an Uber or Lyft account set up… now is your time to shine.

  5. Be smoke-free. Your lungs, your skin and your fine lines will thank you.

  6. Fasten your seat belts. I can’t even believe that we still have to have this conversation but here we are. As a former trauma ICU nurse… PLEASE fasten your seat belts.

  7. Get exams and screenings. Yes! We got you! Broadway Family Practice opens its doors in January! The timing could not be more perfect to start 2023 out right with getting your annual physical on the books (Schedule here) . We will make sure you have a squeaky clean bill of health and help you get scheduled for all those screening mammograms and colonoscopies you’ve been putting off. While you’re at it… treat yourself to new patient botox discounts or schedule your free introductory call to learn more about hormone replacement therapy and how you can become the healthiest version of you this year.

  8. Get your vaccinations. Cases of the flu are ramping up and believe me when I tell you, the fever-induced night sweats and body aches are not a good look. Pro-tip: Check out this article to find out which businesses are offering gift cards in exchange for getting a flu shot. If you DO end up as one of the unlucky sickies with the flu, schedule an appointment with us for IV rehydration…. we will have you back on your feet in no time.

  9. Monitor children. As a new mom this year I can’t even make jokes about this one. Keep a close eye on your littles when you are in homes that may not be baby-proofed. Keep potentially dangerous toys, food, drinks, household items, and other objects out of children’s reach. Protect them from drowning, burns, falls, and other potential accidents.

  10. Practice fire safety. Most residential fires occur during the winter months. Those Anthropologie candles are too good to say no to… but make sure not to leave them unattended. Same goes for space heaters, fireplaces, food on the stove, or all the other cozy wintery things. Make sure your fire extinguishers aren’t expired (ours were!) and create a fire safety plan with your family. Practice drills and make it fun!

  11. Prepare food safely. If getting the flu isn’t a good look… getting food poisoning really REALLY isn’t either. Remember the CDC’s simple steps: Wash hands and surfaces often, avoid cross-contamination, cook foods to proper temperatures and refrigerate foods promptly.

  12. Eat healthy, stay active. Look, I’m not here to tell you not to indulge in all the wonderful foods and treats that the holidays have to offer. For me, that’s half of the fun. Eat those Christmas cookies and your mother-in-law’s mashed potatoes made with 8 sticks of butter. But also remember to have some healthy servings of fruits and veggies which pack nutrients and help lower the risk for certain diseases. Go for family walks, challenge a friend to a holiday workout challege, or use some of your time off to try out a new workout class. Reminder to encourage your kids stay active during their break from school too… help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day. Everything all in moderation!

Have a happy and healthy holiday season! We can’t wait to see you in our new office in January!